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2022 News 2022. 12. 20 - Dr. Choi is invited to give a talk on paper-based devices at 2023 MRS Spring (April 10-14, 2023) in San Francisco, CA, USA (Symposium SF04: Flexible bioelectronics for In situ analysis) 2022. 12. 15 - We successfully made 2 research presentations at PowerMEMS Conference. Dr. Choi gave a tutorial talk on the topic "Biofuel cells" at the PowerMEMS School. 2022. 12. 08 - Our research article on Ingestible Microbial Fuel Cells has been accepted by Advanced Energy Materials (IF 29.698). This work has been featured in many news media outlets (Inceptive Mind, Interesting Engineering, Newswise, Sciencedaily etc). 2022. 10. 31 - Check out AZoNetwork Interview with Dr. Choi! 2022. 10. 27 - Our research article on Wearable Microbial Fuel Cells has been accepted by Nano Energy (IF 19.096). 2022. 10. 10 - Our research article on Papertronics has been accepted by ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF 10.383). This work has been featured in many news media outlets (ACS, EurekAlert, ScienceDaily, Printed Electronics World, AZoM, New Atlas etc.) 2022. 9. 22 - Our work on "plug-n-play biobattery" has been featured in Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Enineers. 2022. 9. 10 - Two papers have been accepted for oral and poster presentations at PowerMEMS 2022. 2022. 9. 5 - Prof. Choi serves as a Guest Editor working with Prof. Liu for special issue "Biobatteries: Past, Present, and Future" in Batteries (MDPI, IF 5.938). 2022. 8. 29 - Our papertronic battery has been featured in Science&Vie, France's leading scientific magazine. 2022. 8. 18 - Our work on "plug-n-play biobattery" has been featured in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). 2022. 8. 10 - Prof. Choi has been invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee for the PowerMEMS 2022 Conference (Dec 12-15, 2022 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA) and he has been invited to give a tutorial talk on the topic "Biofuel cells" at the PowerMEMS School. 2022. 8. 8 - Our research article, "Biofabrication and Characterization of Multispecies Electroactive Biofilms in Stratified Paper-based Scaffolds," has been accepted by Analyst (IF 5.227) 2022. 7. 26 - Our research article, "Accelerated antibiotic susceptibility testing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by monitoring extracellular electron transfer on a 3-D paper-based cell culture platform," has been accepted by Biosensors and Bioelectronics (IF 12.545) 2022. 6. 23 - Our work on "plug-n-play biobattery" has been featured in many media outlets. 2022. 6. 23 - Mya's accomplishments have been featured in BU News. 2022. 6. 23 - Congratulations to Zahra for passing her comprehensive exam! Now, she has advanced to the status of Ph.D candidate. 2022. 6. 10 - We successfully made 5 research presentations at the 2022 Hilton Head Microsystems Workshop and one of them received the Best Paper Award. Congratulations Maryam!! 2022. 5. 13 - Mya Landers has been selected as a recipient of the ECE Deptartment Research Excellence Award. 2022. 5. 4 - Mya Landers successfully defended her MS Thesis entitled "Paper-Integrated Components for Disposable Papertronic Devices." Congratulations and Good luck with your future!!! 2022. 4. 17 - Our research article, "Plug-and-Play Modular Biobatteries with Microbial Consortia," has been accepted by Journal of Power Sources (IF 9.1) 2022. 3. 30 - Our research article, "Small-scale, storable paper biobatteries activated via human bodily fluids," has been accepted by Nano Energy (IF 17.9). 2022. 3. 29 - Congratulations to Mya Landers for the 2022 Katie Root Award. This prestigious award is presented to a deserving graduate student who has completed their masters' degree requirements. 2022. 3. 1 - Five papers have been accepted for oral and poster presentations at Hilton Head Workshop 2022: A solid-state sensors, actuators, and microsystems workshop. Two of the papers have been selected as a finalist for the Best Paper and Poster Award Competition. 2022. 2. 22 - Congratulations to Zahra, Lexi, and Maryam for passing their Ph.D. qualifying exam! 2022. 2. 22 - Our research article, "A sweat-activated, wearable microbial fuel cell for long-term, on-demand power generation," has been accepted by Biosensor and Bioelectronics (IF 10.3). 2022. 2. 14 - Check out this news article on our biobatteries!! 2022. 1. 11 - Our comprehensive review article on electrogenic bacteria has been accepted by Small (IF 13.28) 2022. 1. 3 - Wecome Olya Shamsian to join our group as a new PH.D. student.